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Soil and Plant Ecology BIOR78

15 credits In the course Soil and Plant Ecology we explore the intersection of biological, chemical, and geological processes that shape the soil environment. In an era of unprecedented human-induced environmental change, research in this field is advancing rapidly.  The course explores the processes underlying biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nutrients, soil formation and erosion, and we exami - 2025-02-09

Master's programme Biology General

120 credits The general master’s programme in biology gives you an opportunity to design a personal study plan. You choose from around 30 courses at advanced level in biology. Are you interested in biodiversity and taxonomy? Choose the Nordic Master’s programme in Biodiversity and Systematics (NABIS) as a specialisation within General Biology, see information below.At the Department of Biology we - 2025-02-09

Water Management BIOR66

15 credits This course aims to integrate theoretical knowledge within aquatic ecology and hydrology to be used within practical water management.  In this applied course, through a combination of lectures, practical training, seminars, group projects, field trips and study visits, you will obtain a thorough knowledge of the areas that you are supposed to master when working within water management - 2025-02-09


Biological research at Lund University has several world-leading research groups and is characterized by advanced basic research, but also applied research. The research touches on a variety of areas, from molecular and protein production to ecosystems and from genetic code to behavior. You can read more about the current research and the different research groups on the Department of Biology's we - 2025-02-09

Department of Biology

The Department of Biology has about 300 employees, of which 40 are professors. Here we conduct extensive education and advanced research. Education at the Department of Biology includes bioinformatics, biology and molecular biology. In total, we have approximately 430 students, 13 educational programs and 60 courses. Teaching takes place in modern laboratories with advanced equipment. In addition, - 2025-02-09

Projects and Applied work

Research projects and applied work Project and applied work courses are available for you that is registered for a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme at the Department of Biology, Lund University. The courses are also open for Exchange students in Biology. We encourage all our students to do internships and/or projects during the education. It provides you valuable contacts and work experience. Proj - 2025-02-09

Master's degree projects

Degree projects The master's degree project is probably the most important course of your studies. The degree project is an individual project that will give you the opportunity to enter deeply into a subject that you are interested in. At master's level, you do a 30, 45, or 60 credits degree project, usually in a research group.  You find more information via the links in the left menu. Look for - 2025-02-09

Biology and Molecular Biology: Applied work

Course codes BIOF20, BIOF05, BIOF21 and BIOF30 The applied work course give you an opportunity to get practical experience at a workplace that is relevant to your education. During the internship, you get an insight in what it is like working in the professional field. You may also get valuable experience as well as contacts. If you are admitted to a bachelor’s or master’s programme in biology or - 2025-02-09

Applied work in Bioinformatics

BIN36, BINP38 An applied work, an internship, gives you an opportunity to practice in a relevant workplace. You can do an applied work within the university or at a company. You can do it in Sweden or abroad. These courses are available only for students within the Master’s programme in Bioinformatics at the Department of Biology. Course outlines Before the start Contact a supervisor within the ar - 2025-02-09

Biology: Project

BIOF09, BIOT05, BIOT03, BIOT04, You can choose to do a 7.5, 15, or 30 credits project. The project can be carried out full time or part-time, during the semester or in the summer. The courses are available for students enrolled on the Bachelor’s and Master’s programme at the Department of Biology, Lund University. The courses are also open for Exchange students at our department. Look for projects - 2025-02-09

Project in Molecular Biology

BIOF09, MOBT05, MOBT03, MOBT04 Before the start Check with the study advisor (Christina Ledje) to ensure you fulfil the requirements to start a project.  Contact a supervisor or workplace and discuss the general outline of the project. Note that you may conduct the project outside the university, at a company or other university. Write a project plan together with your supervisor. The plan should - 2025-02-09

Research projects in Bioinformatics

BINP35, BINP37, BINP39 During a research project, you learn how to plan and carry out a project from start to end. These courses are available only for students within the Master’s programme in Bioinformatics at the Department of Biolog. You may choose to do a 7.5, 15 or 30 credits research project. You can carry out the project full time or part time, during the semester or in the summer. You can - 2025-02-09

Bioinformatics Master's degree project

BINP50, BINP51, BINP52 You can perform a Master's degree project in Bioinformatics if you are enrolled in the Master´s program in Bioinformatics at Lund University and have completed 45 credits of relevant advanced level courses within the programme. You find detailed information about degree projects as well as registration forms on the learning platform in Canvas. Overview Before the start Conta - 2025-02-09

Biology Master's degree project

BIOM02, BION02, BION03 You can perform a master's degree project in biology, if you are enrolled in the Master´s program in Biology at Lund University, and have completed 45 credits of relevant advanced level courses within the programme (specific for each specialisation). Students on the master's programme in Biology usually take courses the first year of the Master'enroll for the project during - 2025-02-09

Molecular Biology Master's degree project

MOBM02, MOBN02, MOBN03 You can perform a master's degree project of 30, 45 or 60 credits in either General molecular biology, or one of the specialisations Immunology and Infection biology, Microbiology and Biotechnology or Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology. A 30 cr project lasts for 20 weeks, 45 cr for 30 weeks and 60 cr for 40 weeks. You work in a research group at Lund university, at another - 2025-02-09


The labour market is wide and varied and together we will create a stable foundation for your future career. With a Master's in Bioinformatics, Biology or Molecular Biology you have good chances of finding a PhD position at a university in Sweden or abroad. Around 50 % of our graduates continues to a PhD. As a biologist, you may work with management, inventory, investigations, and administration o - 2025-02-09

Master programme in Animal Ecology

120 credits On the Master’s programme in Animal Ecology, you will learn how to analyse and understand evolutionary processes at the level of genes, individuals and populations. You will achieve skills in analysing and understanding how evolutionary and ecological processes form appearance, physiology and behaviour in animals. You will also learn how to analyse costs and benefits of different trait - 2025-02-09


On this page you will mainly find information for new studentsDetailed information for all students at the Department of Biology is found in Canvas.  CanvasThe learning platform Canvas is a tool for lecturers and students. You will have access to the canvas page for courses you have been admitted to around 4 weeks before the start of the course. You log in with your student account.Log in to Canva - 2025-02-09

Animal Behaviour BIOF08

15 credits The course is offered for the last time spring 2024. Biology - Animal Ecology Course descriptionThis course gives you a good understanding for animals and their behaviour. Topics dealt with includehow to perform behavioural studiesreproductive behaviours and mating systemsanimal communication and social behaviourscognitionethology of domestic animalshuman behaviouranimal ethicsanimal we - 2025-02-09


Director of studies, study advisors & administrators Jep Agrell Director of studies Email: Jep [dot] Agrell [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se Telephone: +46 46 222 73 17 Jóhanna Bjarney Jónsdóttir Programme Administrator Email: johanna_bjarney [dot] jonsdottir [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se Christina Ledje Study advisor molecular biology, international coordinator Email: molbiol_master [at] biol [dot] lu [ - 2025-02-09